Conscious Reflection


It had to have been around mid spring, I left a routine therapy appointment and just kept staring up at the treetops lining my way home, immersed in thought. Throughout the course of the session, I tried to recount the parts of my life that brought me the most joy. As I thought about this I realized that there were things I loved doing, such as writing and playing music, yet I never made any time for them. I wondered to myself “Why? Why have I not been seeking out the things that I enjoy?”. I soon realized that most of the time I am not putting active thought into improving my life, but instead am sitting idle and letting life pass me by. It was then, on that walk back home from the therapist that the importance of self reflection really hit me.

Around two years ago I became dead set on becoming a clinical psychiatrist. Following that decision I began constructing a plan on how to get there, I laid out all the steps early on and stayed true to them for quite some time. Plans change. It is not in the nature of life to be predictable, there are always obstacles that go unaccounted for. It is when we come to face these obstacles that self reflection is most important.

I should probably clarify what I mean by self reflection. I use this term to say “Using full concentration to look into oneself in order to discover personal motivations and to answer questions that could not have be answered with simple or casual thought.” I find myself reflecting on life constantly, but what is interesting is that much of this time spent reflecting is not done consciously. Most of the time I find myself really digging deep is when I’m listening to a powerful song, or when I’m out taking a walk. These times of effortless deep thought are vital to mental health, and to making important life decisions, however they are not what I really want to focus on here. Instead, I want to focus on the deep thought conjured up by conscious effort and determination.

We are the sculptors our our own lives, and much like nature itself, our lives are very fluid. If we have the will, and the resources, we can mold our lives into any shape that we find fitting. It’s a tragedy when one decides that they will be complacent to the ebb and flow of life, they will let their life be molded for them in any way that life takes them. I allowed my life to be molded for me for a long time. I created my plan of action and made no effort to change it, no effort to account for the slings and arrows of life.

What a wake up call it was that day walking out of my therapists office realizing that during all that time I was making no effort to fight my depression at all. It had never dawned on me that the plan I had set for myself was not concrete and that I could actually revise it to account for my own mental health. If I had taken the time to sit, to think, and to open myself up to new possibilities not only would I have been less depressed in that time, but I would have achieved my goal more efficiently as well.

I think reflection is great for mental health but it’s also great in terms of productivity. Life becomes a lot easier if one sits down to ask, “Are there things that bother me? Can those things be fixed?”. In my car the rear-view mirror began chipping away, and although functional, it drove me fuckin’ mad. To end my insanity I just had to buy a replacement online. I did a twenty minute installation and voula, my driving experience improved tenfold. This is a minor example, but it shows that there are so many things in life that cause such minor annoyances, and we never realize that there’s a fix until we really sit down and take the time to think about it.

The beginning of the day is the hardest time for me. Depression seems to thrive the more one has to think about the future, for me that’s thinking about the day ahead. I fight this, however, with some effortful thought. I think on what I would enjoy the most that day and how I can get it. I reflect on times that were good and remind myself that times can be good again. As I dig deeper into myself I come to understand ways to improve my life, and through those improvements life becomes a little more bearable. What I’m saying here is, sculpt your life, all it takes is a little time and a wish to move forward. After you’ve done this, sit back and take a look at your sculpture again, you just may find it looks a little bit better.

Why I Blog

Ever since starting this blog, I have been asked the question, “what is your blog about?”, “why do you do it?”, and sometimes “Who are you trying to impress?”. Initially, I didn’t have words for such a question. Only a feeling.

Almost daily this feeling returns. It returns when I feel the defeated eyes of such a powerful person. When I feel the guilt a good person feels for their actions. And when I feel uncertainty manically confuse such a confident person. I feel what these people feel, yet I see more than what they see.

I see a person insecure about her looks when she is in fact gorgeous. I see a person hating himself for being cruel when he is in fact considerate. And I see a person fearing his path, when in fact he is courageous. These people can not see the light within them because of the people who told them to bury it. So I suppose my blog is about telling them to dig it back up.

This feeling is more like a need. An obligation to show these people that it is okay to question the things we were told not to question. To be the way we want to be, not how we should be.

Now you are probably wondering who these people are. Whether you are included in this slightly odd explanation of why I decide to sit in a quiet room and write some days. Well in truth, I believe we are all included. Some of us more than others, but all nonetheless.

You may be seeing a trend at this point in my writings. It seems I try to always include everyone in these hypothetical problems that our current society faces every day. The truth is I do, but not intentionally.

The second reason I found the nerve to create this blog is to explain how we are all together on our daily issues. I have noticed that many people have the tendency to point their finger at the individual sitting next to them and say, “at least I am not as fucked up as that kid.” And this, without going into great detail, just makes me sad.

Now once again you are wondering if this includes yourself. Well, I do not know who is reading this post, but with the same confidence as the answer before, I can say you probably are. In such a high demanding world, with so many unquestioned traditions, it is no wonder we try to diminish our problems in comparison to others.

And just as we the lack of confidence to be who we want to be, I see an equally troubling problem of our nature to push our issues to the side. There is this damning mindset that finding a therapist is being weak. There is this counter-intuitive way of thinking that one should only open up to the people closest to them, yet the way to be close to someone is by letting them see you for who you truly are.

In this intense world, it may seem that waiting to deal with yourself is the only possibility, but I can ensure you that this is the very opposite way to think. To live in this world you need to be confident, ambitious, and determined. Not just in your career, but in life. 

It is true that you can probably get by as bookworm who never stepped outside your dorm room until you got your engineering diploma, but what does that actually do. It gets you a job, probably, and then a life of never really knowing what other options were laid out for you. 

I am all about learning and retaining knowledge, but I believe that is step two in life. Step one is to learn about yourself, then you are ready to learn about the world. I believe living life the other way around leads to disappointment and a lack of fulfillment. And that is the last thing I want anyone to feel on their deathbed.

What is my blog about? I hope it is how to live a better life. I hope it is how to be the best version of yourself. And I hope it leads to an open mind. I also hope it informs you about ideas that are rarely talked about. But most of all, I hope it helps you.

This blog is whatever you need it to be. As long as it is making you think in a constructive way that will lead you to a brighter future, I have done my job. I have then created the blog I hoped to make. I have then convinced you to hold the light you once buried so deeply.