The Paper

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Paper, a simple invention. It is the representation of its writer’s power. This power can hold us back, or it can encourage us to take the next step. It can let us see with clear vision, or with no vision at all. 

Yet I am not looking to write a post on the abstract power of paper. Instead, I hope to address one paper. A simple paper, single-sided, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and equipped with just the right-sized headers.  Every six months I faced this paper. And every six months I faced the same issue. I was “forced,” more forced by myself than anyone else, to lie my way through the semi-annual depression screening.

The questions would always begin harmless. Have you had a poor appetite?  Do you feel tired? Simple questions, but the simple answers are not what they are after.  As clear as an inverse relation graph can show, with each question growing in significance, my confidence got smaller and smaller.  The time between each question extended rapidly. Questions like, Have you been feeling hopeless about the future? and Have you been feeling blue? became trickier to maneuver.

This trend continued until I was stuck.  I was stuck debating whether to answer with how I felt or with how I should have felt.  What I actually thought or what I was told to think. I usually solved this issue by turning to my mother.  She told me what I should think. She was good at that, always has been. She told me the excuses I needed to hear to feel normal.  With her help I was able to maneuver and lie through the questions successfully for years.

Years went by and paper after paper I was faced with the same questions over and over again.   Each time I read them, they got worse. Severity grew from 4 to 5, which later grew to 6 and then to 7.  Questions that I could once confidently check off became questionable. Questions that were questionable now became impossible.  Impossible until the normal was gone. Until the moment I accepted that I may just be “abnormal” after all.  

On that day, that day when I accepted my “abnormality”, I looked at the paper and I answered the questions.  I answered them all. It felt good to tell the truth. I didn’t really know why, but I just felt satisfied. Not an hour after leaving the office, I received a call from the nurse who gave me my semi-annual paper.  I heard concern in her voice. Over the phone, she asked if I knew what I had written, how I had answered and what it meant. I said of course I do. She asked if I was getting help. And I said of course I was. She said okay, have a nice day, and hung up.

That was it.  Years of fear from telling the truth… for that.  For a two-minute phone call. It is amazing how extreme our imagination can inflate these situations.  I mean come on, I was expecting something. No screaming or crying on the phone in protest of my answers?  Not even a call to my parents informing them of my possible condition? Nothing.

Fear can be such an unnecessary emotion.  Fear is the anticipation of pain and danger.  Normal is also such a relative and frustrating word. Therefore, it can be concluded that fear from not being normal could quite possibly be the most pointless source of pain for anyone experiencing it. 

Many people in this world live their day to day lives in fear of pointless social norms.  In fear of standing out, and being vulnerable.  These fears are destructive and limiting.  I don’t know if they can be erased, but I believe they can be addressed. 

I used to think sadness was weakness, so I lied.  Now, I see it as neither good or bad, it just is. Instead, the power lies in the truth.  The truth was that I was depressed, and the truth was not going to go anywhere until I addressed its power in the first place.  Don’t let fear hold you from the truth because without our truths comes merely the power of our representation rather than ourselves.

Just How Different is our Physical and Mental Health?

Imagine if broken limbs were treated the same as mental illness.  A world where broken limbs were never talked about. One where a broken leg was ignored and avoided in all conversation rather than met with understanding and sympathy.  One where a student’s cast was hidden under his jacket rather than being signed by all his peers with rainbow-colored markers.

Mental illness is a worldwide problem that leads to millions of deaths every year, but it appears that nobody is discussing it. Well let me clarify, scientists and mental health experts are talking about it… but what about everyone else? Conversationally, in day to day life, this topic doesn’t seem to exist. There seems to be no casual way to bring up one’s schizophrenia, or no simple understanding of how to talk about depression. 

The ironic part of these illnesses is that they are no scarier than the flu when broken down.  The flu is a disease that infects anywhere from five to twenty percent of Americans each year (CDC Foundation). Of those infected people, approximately two hundred thousand are hospitalized and thirty-six thousand die (Wiegman, 2012). This disease infects the body so that it can no longer function properly and will sometimes result in death if it is not treated properly. 

Mental illnesses work in a similar fashion.  Using depression as an example, this is a disease that affects the brain of its victim so that the natural flow of emotions is limited to unrelenting sadness.  With approximately seven percent of the American population suffering at least one major depressive disorder each year, it would appear that this issue is a lot more common than first anticipated.  With experts estimating that thirty to seventy percent of suicide deaths are due to depression (Koskie, 2018), which is the tenth leading cause of death in America (Nichols, 2017), it would appear depression alone is as deadly as the flu. 

Why are these two diseases treated differently?  Why is one disease as socially accepted as a broken body part that just needs time to heal, when the other is treated as an unnecessary cry for help?  I believe the answer lies in the fact that one affects the respiratory system, while the other affects the brain. The only difference I can see between these two categories is in the name, health compared to mental health.  

The problem I see is that physical health is commonly called health, rather than the specific subcategory it really is.  By simply calling it health and not categorizing it, it illustrates the idea that mental health is lesser than physical health.  It is this social construct that makes physical health appear to be the true health we must maintain, while mental health is more of an option.

This mindset must end.  It must end because people are dying and many of those deaths could have been prevented if we had openly spoken to one another.  I am not saying that mental illness can be cured simply by talking, but I’m saying it is a start. It is a start to see mental illness at its face value, as a disease and not a weakness.  I believe the day we feel comfortable enough to talk about our mental issues is the day they begin to go away because once everyone starts talking we will realize just how alike we all are.  

Seeing mental illness for what it really is might rid the shame and guilt that so many people feel their entire lives till the day they die.  We will all begin to see just how powerful these many illnesses are that exist in the shadows of everyday life. Rather than having a world where broken limbs are in some way superior to mental illness, let’s have a world where all illnesses are as accepted as easily as a broken limb.  

Work Cited
CDC Foundation. “Flu Prevention.” CDC Flu Infographic,

Wiegman, Stacy. “How Many People Get the Flu Each Year? | Cold and Flu.” Sharecare, 2012,

Koskie, Brandi. “Depression: Facts, Statistics, and You.” Health Line, 2018,

Nichols, Hannah. “The Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in the United States.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 23 Feb. 2017,