Her Name is Love

Image Credit: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/love-is-love-lgbt_n_4575789

There is someone I want. Someone I feel I need. She is all that I ask for. She is all that I crave. Her name… is Love.

Love traveled growing up. Never staying anywhere long enough to call home, Love embraced this world before she even saw the light in doing so.

Love is a dancer. A body poet whenever the mood is right; the world becomes a stage for her show. As she does, her body spells out the words my vocabulary is not so vast to contain.

Love is love. She gives without wanting anything in return. She smiles before wondering if she should. And she loves the world her reality is so beautiful to create.

So what do I do? How do I tell such perfection that my mortal self is worthy? Can I really take care of her as she will take care of me? Can a demon really give anything to an angel?

I don’t know. I tell myself, yes, and I tell myself no. It’s so hard. Living finite as you want it all. I am the apple of knowledge who desires to be eaten and cause sin.  

Love, I love you. Can that be all? Can I believe in this until it is so? So many possibilities. So many potential issues. But I know better. For if it were someone else I would simply say,

“Be brave my friend. Jump with both feet, you shall go farther. And as you land in those unfamiliar waters, you will remember how to swim. I promise. You will be better than before. It will be better than before. Shall you fail? I haven’t the faintest clue. I don’t know the stories still unwritten. But shoot your shot, for you must before the clock has rung. Shoot your shot cause that’s truly the best we ever got”

Today, I Still Love You Most

Image Credit: https://livingasoulfullife.files.wordpress.com/

Sometimes I like the idea of you. Dancing around in my head, like our problems were never there. It’s nice to see you smiling. It’s nice to hold you tight.

Sometimes I remember how you were. “So perfect”, I say. But I don’t know. Let’s face it, you weren’t, and neither was I.

We fought. Can I remember the times you yelled in my ear? It hurt. So I hurt back. You see, I ran. I always did. Yet, I love you. Yet, I miss you. Yet, I need you.

Oh love. I don’t know why, but I love you. I think regret holds me back. Regret for what I could have done. For who I could have been.

You see, I hate myself for what I made us. Yet, I’d do it again. We aren’t meant to be. I want more, and you want less.

You see my love, we will never be each other’s other again. But I will still love you. I love you, every day. I wait, every day. Never too far, and always too close. 

You live in me. You eat me. And I only pretend to complain. 

One day I’ll let you go. But not today. Today, I still love you most. 

Addicts of Love

Image Credit: https://cdn2.thebridalbox.com/
How real is love? 
How true are our emotions to our actual desires? 
Or are our desires created by our emotions? 
Addicts of love. 
It seems that we all are. 
We have to be. 

Darwin screaming in our ears.
“It is predetermined for you!” 
What can we love? 
What are we allowed to love compared to what we do love? 
What makes us love someone... or something?
And we are all fake. 
You must never forget.
Robots bound by our own laws. but don’t fret, fake is real.
A life is valueless since it was never yours in the first place.
You stole it.
Do you hear?
We do not own ourselves. 
We can but it seems we refuse.
Scared to say the least.
We live to what we need.
And oh my, do we need love.
So powerful, until it is not.
I suppose that is a human.
A need.
“Survive!” There he goes screaming again.
And if it is just a need.
Fueled by the chemicals dancing in our brains.
Are we not addicts?
Heroin is a need for some.
Self-destruction is a need for others.
And love is a need for most.
Of course we don’t neeeeed these things.
But as I said.
We do not own ourselves. 
So how real is love? 
You know I once saw a TED talk explaining a new product being tested that can make kids taste 
foods differently in order to get them to eat their vegetables.
That was funny.

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