My Celiac Story

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I woke up feeling amazing. Taking a deep breath, I let the fresh Alaskan air fill my lungs. Hearing the crackle of a nearby fire, I knew breakfast would be ready soon. Unzipping my family’s four-person tent with a smile, I stepped out into the sixty-degree wilderness. The sun was bright, the clouds had left the sky, and the river continued its hectic, yet organized pursuit downhill. 

I was on my family’s Alaskan white-water rafting trip. Finally basking in the sunlight, my year of nervous anticipation seemed well worth it. Preparing to start another amazing day, a sense of peace fell over my body. I believed at the time it was from the fresh air or the feeling of the wild. But no matter the reason, all I cared to know was that I simply felt better and stronger with every day that passed. And when it finally ended, the trip left me with a feeling of true happiness, a feeling I lost touch with a few months prior.

Integrating back into normal upstate New York society, I steadily began to lose my high spirits and drive. I felt myself returning to a passive, empty state. The feeling that my naive mind had thought I had overcome. 

Returning to my normal schedule, I went to visit my psychologist. I visited
her every week to discover the source of this feeling of emptiness that slowly ate at me. She was alright. Mostly focusing on childhood issues and daily inconveniences, you know, the therapy things, we would get nowhere fast as the minutes rolled by. 

That day we spoke about my emotions throughout the trip. I explained how I felt like my old self. For those five days, I returned to my cheerful self and badly wanted the feeling to return. We shared thoughts and possible reasons and explanations, nothing really stuck.

After the session, that same night, I found myself up late pondering the simple question, “What changed? What had changed since the trip and where I was now?” And that’s when an idea struck me. Only a guess, yet enough to give me hope. Other than the obvious lack of excitement in my daily life, I realized a difference in my diet. 

My mother was diagnosed as a celiac ten years prior to the trip. Since space on the raft was limited, we only packed gluten free food. Therefore, for the first time in my life, I was not eating gluten. On top of that, I remembered how my mother felt prior to her diagnosis. She described a feeling as if she were slowly dying, and eventually went to the doctors assuming she must have a form of cancer. They quickly ran tests and determined she had Celiac Disease. This meant that any ingestion of gluten acted as a poison in her body. I believed this could be my solution, so within days my blood was being tested to possibly cure my growing feeling of emptiness.

The results came in a week later and my problem was cured. I instantly stopped eating gluten without a single complaint. Everyone was surprised with how well I was dealing with the situation, but what they didn’t realize was how thankful I was for it. Within days I felt my body regain strength and drive. I felt amazing again, like I had on the Alaskan river. I felt in control. By the next week I stopped going to the psychologist and started living my life with my head up again. 

There are still times I feel empty like before. I feel as if whatever eats at me isn’t completely gone and never will be, yet now I have the strength to control it. Whatever sadness I thought was beyond my control could now be tamed.

From this experience I learned to never give up. I learned that there is always a solution and that I just need to continue looking for it. 

I also learned the value in things. Little problems don’t affect me like many of my peers. I’ve learned that life will have its challenges and to just laugh through them because happiness is the most important trait to have. If I can maintain my joy in life I can solve any problem and overcome any challenge I face. So, what about you?

Everyone has their own demons and challenges. We can either run from them or we can conquer them. We can own them. I learned how to fight mine and fight I did. This fight will never end, but the more weapons I can bring to this fight, the better off I will be.

So, what weapons do you have? What weapons do you plan on getting? Only you can fight for your happiness. Others can show you the way to happiness, but it is you who will take those steps. Therefore, get your weapons, find your path and start exploring. Life is a constant war, but the more you fight and the more you win, the closer you will be to nirvana when that war finally ends. Nirvana is not in the clouds, it is all around us.

You Know Yourself Best

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Last winter I made a very difficult choice, I decided that I was not going to return to school for my 2nd semester.

As you can imagine, this came with a ton of backlash from family, friends, and even coaches. My parents were concerned that I was throwing my entire life away and everything I have ever worked for.

A majority of my friends who had hidden doubts about me going to school in the first place expressed those thoughts to me whether they realized it or not. I say that because I know none of my friends would intentionally want to make me feel like I was no longer good enough to fit in with them.

My college coaches were upset because they had to put in a lot of time and effort to recruit and choose who they think would benefit the program the most, so to see me leave after one semester must have felt like a slap in the face.

I think the worst part of the experience has been that I was never one to disappoint people, never one to be seen as weak.  The most difficult part was the way people treated me after my decision. It was like everyone just viewed me as this soon to be “townie” (that is slang for someone who did nothing with their life and ended up with a basic job in the area they grew up in). People would come up to me all the time and try to sit down and counsel me because they just assume that I am incapable of being able to figure out my life on my own now.

I’m not saying to ignore help/advice from others, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t listen to yourself. I’m sure some of you are reading this and are thinking, “yeah no shit”…however put yourself in my shoes and have multiple friends and family members come to you acting like they know more than you all of the time. I believe people are actually concerned but they are also jumping to conclusions way too fast. I took one semester off and explored some other options, and people reacted like I gave up on my life.

Currently, I am going back to school at my local college to see if it’s what I really want to do without breaking the bank. Although, if its something I really don’t want to do that’s okay. I am 19 years old, I have so much time to figure out what I want to do and I’m no longer going to let people scare me into thinking that I’m not doing okay.

If there is anything you can take away from reading this, it’s to do what you know is best for you. People are going to judge and compare themselves to you all the time and even if they are a semester, a year, a bachelors, a masters,or even 10 years ahead of you… it doesn’t mean that they know the key to success for you. Listen to your mind, and follow your gut because eventually things are going to work out and every doubt people may have had about you won’t matter.  It won’t matter because it simply does not. What people assume about you does not change you in any way. You are who you are, and you should be proud of that person.  

Live your life how you think is right because quite frankly there is no wrong way, so you might as well be happy with your way.