You are a House

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Let’s look at your house. It has a particular size, shape, color, interior, exterior, age, wear and tear, and location. There is nothing special about this house other than the dimensions that it is defined by.

And of course, this house is on a street. The street determines this house, and this house determines the street. Influencing one another, they flow in self-creation. Now, of course, this house can be built how it would like, but there are regulations. Could you imagine how a street would look with one bright pink wooden home in the rural brick surrounding? It could happen sure (assuming one has the funding to even do so), but it would be difficult. Neighbors may protest, sightseers may question, and the pink house would be blamed for disturbing the peace, “for just needing to stand out.”

With hundreds of other houses lined on that same street, the house is a part of a neighborhood. As neighborhoods are, they exist somewhere. They are next to certain neighborhoods and farther from others. Just like the houses that make up this neighborhood, the neighborhood has a spot with other spots being filled by other neighborhoods.

Finally, of course, this house believes it has an owner. And that my friend is what makes this house so interesting.

You see the house is a bit confused. It has been since it was built. The house believes that it is a tiny human living within the house. So, rather than seeing itself as the house, it believes it resides within the house. That it is instead something that uses the house just you use your arms and brain.

The reality, whether this house sees it or not, is that there is no person in the house. To be in fact there is nothing within the house other than the rooms and the things within the rooms that are currently there.

And it’s quite sad really. Because we can understand, once we know that nobody is in the house, that the house is perfect.

Why? Because there is no value to any part of the house. No color of paint on the walls is better than any other without someone saying so. No room can be more important than another without someone “needing” to have or use them. And no furniture, or mattress, or sink, or refrigerator, or oven, or literally anything would need to be replaced. All these things would instead just be so, and nothing would require it to be “better”. The house itself can cater to all its needs. 

What are a house’s needs? Nothing. It prefers to stand tall among the other houses but it surely doesn’t need to. 

And at this point, we must be exact. The “rooms” are 3-dimensional boxes. The “house” is a larger box that holds all the smaller boxes in their current form. And the neighborhood’s arbitrary borders truly do not exist. You see, in reality, all these things are really just one massive, infinite thing. One thing that is everything and therefore nothing. That my friend, is the universe. We my friend, are the universe.

You may ask yourself, why will the house continue to exist then? If the house is truly just a box, then what is its purpose? Homes are built to shelter and protect their owners and guests. That is their function, their reason to be. So, what can be said for this?

That question, that way of thinking, is limited. It still frames reality assuming that the one asking is a person within a house. You see, what greater purpose are you looking for? You are perfect! You are one with everything and everything is one with you! Can’t you see how amazing that is? Can’t you feel the sensation of total bliss as nothing can harm you? And can’t your existence be such a miracle that you enjoy every waking minute because that is just another minute you have provided yourself to experience everything that you do?

A house is really not a house, but we shall call it one to understand. A house is not alone. And a house is not owned. It itself is the owner of its own creation. And it itself is the determiner of everything that it defines as truth.

A house is made of materials the same as any other. Such similar materials that one could mistake one house for another (and that truly wouldn’t be a mistake). You see the houses just think that they are different because they all believe that they have different owners. And if they would just look inside they would not see anything but themselves, yet as much as they think they have done so before, rarely has this act actually been done.

When a house can see itself for what it is, it will learn to love its finite parts. It will understand that when it eventually falls, because it surely will, that its pieces shall be reused to build something else. Maybe not even another home. Maybe it’ll go into the dirt and eventually decompose into the soil and allow a new form of life to flourish.  

It shall not perish. No. For that is impossible. It will change, but let’s be honest, the only reason we think any change at all is happening is because we are still looking at the object as a house. Haha, even looking at it as an object is a misconception. 

Don’t you see? There is nobody in the house. And since nobody is in the house it is not a house at all. It is a part of the universe it resides within and is. It is perfect because there is no other way to be. Perfection in a lack of difference. Perfection in an inability to compare. Perfection is simply perfectness. 

And when that house falls just remember, nothing is lost, it can only be found.

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