The Weight of Thoughts

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Does a thought have weight? Everything is conserved in this universe. Conservation of mass, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, conversation of fucking everything.

So, what about our thoughts? As my human grows it thinks and learns. I mean, does it not? Does it not develop its way of life as experience and knowledge constantly humbles its existence?

Therefore, thoughts are accumulating. They grow and grow and then… death. Oops. The inevitable ending so many of us deny until, well… the end.

So, if everything is conserved… what about thoughts? What happens to all that “progress”. Can it be said that no growth truly took place? Or that life consists of remembering, rather than learning?

Well, of course I don’t have the slightest clue, but also, of course, I have my guess… or is it just a guess? A guess not out of desperation, but instead out of indifference. Because a guess is all we have left to resort to, of which is inherently meaningless.

Why? Well, as I said, they either existed to begin with or they are just taken from a memory foreign to a world we will never know.

So, what does this all mean? What is my human rambling about? Well, here is it: my human is real, but Jake West is an illusion. His thoughts do not exist in this universe. His thoughts, his consciousness, his perception as the experiencer is all a façade. It is the result of a desperate attempt to capture and retain the sensations that its human feels as it goes about the universe and reflects back according to the coded design it abides by for survival in the very universe it defines everything by.

“Reality is not defined by any one narrative, yet it is only our own that we experience” 

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