Some Dark Poetry

                          Do you notice it?

Do you notice it?
Do you notice the wind moving between your fingers?
Do you notice the sun shining its heat, its warmth, its soul into you?
I can tell you that I do.
I can hear the birds chirping their clique songs.
I can see the beavers playing as they build their eloquent wood homes.
I can feel the water moving as I do.
I can even smell the sap of a nearby maple tree.

How pretty.
The nature we have painted for ourselves.
The illusion we create for this holy land.
Do you notice it? Do you notice all of it?
Do you still hear the birds when the airplanes soar by roaring their engines from above?
Do you still see wood on that lovely beaver home or is the mix of washed-up plastic too much? 
Do you still feel the chilled lake water as you notice a rainbow ring dancing around your hand?
Do you still smell the sap or is it replaced with the smoked ham on your whole wheat bread?
I ask if you notice it.
I know you know of it.
I know you hear about it, and I know you read about it.
But I still wonder if you notice it.

What does it mean to be crazy?
I see things that aren’t real, but am I crazy?  
I hear voices that don’t exist, but am I crazy?  
I have lost control of my whole body and sprawled out on the bedroom floor
Stop. Too much detail, or maybe too little? 
Should I tell them the size of the blade as well?
Or is that too expected? A crazy with a knife  
Almost comical, I could laugh, I should laugh
One who kills and enjoys it
You read that every day

What if the real crazy is not in the shadow, but in the light?

Someone who is doing everything right
A bright future they say
They say
This because of what they see, what they are allowed to see
High GPA
That I say, is the real danger
Because what you see is only part of what could be