The Circle

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Why? Such a question is expected to have an answer. But what if there is none. Or what if the answer to why is just somebody else’s why? So, let’s begin:

Path. That’s how most journeys begin. Walk the path! It’s my path! And I’ll be damned if you think I’ll leave my path for yours! 

And isn’t that the truth. We don’t really care about anyone else unless they attempt to stop or change our path. Sometimes for good, and sometimes for bad. But either way, our path, MY PATH, is all that matters.

Simple. The path is just a line. A bennnding line. 3.1415926535979… did I miss an eight? Around and around it begins as we grow comfortable with the illusion of comfort.

Suffer. Why do we suffer? Well, walking gets tiring. And if not for the endless walking itself, then the minor bumps and detours that grow cumbersome (cumbersome, sounds fun). As I said, I won’t leave my path because it’s mine. Therefore, the discomfort grows and we begin to suffer. But we learn through suffering. We give the suffering a name and call it pain.

Pain. Pain is suffering with a reason. Pain is tolerable. Pain is even beneficial occasionally. So compared to suffering, we love pain. And with this pain comes rage. 

Rage. The power that lets us resist the pain we no longer want. Rage allows us to focus on the pain and consider how we could end it. And as we fume from this pain a surge to fight emerges. Because humans are just like that.

Fight. Fight with rage and the pain will end. That is our formula and that has always worked or died trying. Except… this is 2019. We no longer fight with fists… well, mostly that is. Rage is fought through words. 

Words. Extending the thoughts of one into many, we use rage and make power.

Power! The end. Exert your power. Use your power. And stop your pain!! 


Fear. As we anticipate our next wave of pain, we grow scared. Pain can grow and change, therefore I must as well. I didn’t fight this hard to take the next step down my path, for the following one to be just as difficult. 

Certain. I grow certain that my path shall be walked with ease for now on. That nothing will bump me without being bumped first. How do I know? Because I have power. From my fight. Fueled by my rage. Reminded by my pain. Created from MY suffering.

I. So I will use my power. I shall suppress all that is not like me. I shall stigmatize all that I do not understand. I shall hate all who offend me. I shall end all that is without me. 

And that’s their fault.

And as all of the “other” gather they will be left with one question… why?

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